17 Nov 2017 What is the #1 Priority of Chicken Farmers?
The health of the flock is the number one priority of chicken farmers. After all, it’s not only the right thing to do – it makes good business sense!...
The health of the flock is the number one priority of chicken farmers. After all, it’s not only the right thing to do – it makes good business sense!...
The Chicken Guarantees are a set of industry-wide standards for broiler chicken welfare principles that apply to American-raised broiler chickens. The Chicken Guarantees are welfare standards that not only serve as...
There are 3 reasons why antibiotics are given to chickens: to help keep chickens healthy, prevent animal suffering and to minimize environmental impacts....
As a chicken farmer, I’m often asked why farmers raise chickens inside poultry houses. There are three main reasons why farmers raise chickens inside: protection from extreme weather, predators and...
You may be surprised to learn that there are actually a lot of similarities between conventional and organic chicken. The Farm Babe takes a look inside an organic chicken farm...
77 percent of Americans believe that chicken contains added hormones. But the truth is that no chicken sold or raised in the U.S. is given added hormones. ...
There comes a time to say goodbye to our feathered friends. Lauren Arbogast, @PaintTheTownAg, explains what goes into transporting chickens to processing....
Dive deeper into claims made by animal rights groups that “chickens are suffering” and get the facts. All current measurable data – livability, disease, condemnation, digestive and leg health –...
Get to know Jenny, a poultry farmer from Maryland and an agriculture editor. Find out how she became a chicken farmer, and her thoughts on being a farmer in the...
The same day that baby chicks hatch, they are transported to the farm. Learn about all the steps that goes into unloading the chicks and making sure they have everything...