07 Mar #RaisingPoultry :: Home Peep Home

This blog post was originally drafted and posted by Lauren Arbogast of Paint The Town Ag. It is part of a blog series dedicated to #raisingpoultry. In the series, Lauren walks us through how poultry is raised in the United States – from start to finish.
Lauren and her family raise chickens and cows in beautiful Virginia. Check out the original blog post, and Lauren’s Twitter and Facebook pages.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if animal homes were featured on their version MTV Cribs? You’d get the whole tour of their space while hearing them comment with things like “peep peep here” and “chick out there.” Remind me to talk to a producer while simultaneously contacting Mike Rowe to be my frontman. Please and thank you.
Until that happens, you’ll have to settle for my wildly unprofessional video skills with help from various friends, family, and even Farmer over the course of the #RaisingPoultry series. Brace yourself now for a quick for a look at the outside of a poultry house, hosted by the one and only me. Enjoy!
Until next time peeps!